Convert Airtime to Cash for all Networks in Nigeria (MTN, Glo, Airtel & 9mobile)

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How to Convert Airtime to Cash in Nigeria for all Networks (MTN, Glo, Airtel & 9mobile): Step by Step Guide

  1. Visit the website ( or download the mobile app from Google Play.
  2. Log in to your account or create a new account on
  3. Click on the Convert Airtime to Cash link on the navigation menu to open the airtime to cash conversion page.
  4. Read the important notes (instructions) on the page to avoid mistakes.
  5. Choose your mobile network from which you want to convert airtime. Select MTN if you want to convert MTN airtime, otherwise select the network you want to convert its airtime to cash.
  6. Enter your valid user email address or carefully confirm that the one displayed on the screen is your correct email address on That’s the email address to which its wallet will be credited.
  7. Enter the phone number you want to send the airtime from and ensure that the phone number is correct.
  8. Enter the amount of airtime you want to convert to cash. There is a minimum limit of 1,000 and a maximum limit of 50,000 per conversion.
  9. Confirm that the ‘amount to receive’ showing on the page is accurately calculated at the specified percentage (%).
  10. Copy the phone number showing inside the ‘our phone number’ field. This is the number that you will transfer the airtime to in order to get the cash equivalent of the airtime to cash conversion rate specified.
  11. Dial the Code: *600*OUR_PHONE_NUMBER*AMOUNT*PIN# to transfer the airtime to the phone number found in the ‘our phone number’ field.
  12. Finally, click on the ‘Convert Airtime to Cash’ button shown on the page to submit your request.
  13. Your wallet will be credited instantly with cash after confirmation of your submission.
  14. Withdraw your cash (wallet balance) into your local bank account at any time you want.


This is how you can convert your excess airtime to cash in Nigeria. This situation can arise especially when you mistakenly recharge more airtime than you need or when your friend or relative sends you airtime as a gift but you need the cash instead.

We have now answered all your questions regarding: which bank can convert airtime to cash; wallet to convert airtime to cash; convert telkom airtime to cash; convert airtime to cash app; code to convert airtime to cash; how to convert airtime to cash to your bank account; fund wallet with airtime; how to transfer airtime to bank account; and how to reverse airtime purchase from bank.